Small Bronzes

"These pieces come from the forested land of mist and rain, where ravens rule and bones wash up on beaches. Here bones and plant forms come to me and from them I am given inspiration.
I have always been fascinated with bones. They are forms which grow. Bones are given form by the forces of each individual life and support it, but their beauty is invisible until after death. They are the synthesis of life’s function and form, death’s architectural remains.
Vessels or boats are expressive of journey. Their forms are pod like, suggesting nature’s verdant growth. They float. They shape and are shaped by water - life’s principal ingredient. Plants are one of life’s most abundant forms and provide us with the nourishment to continue life. Combining bones and vessels becomes for me a Bone Journey, a symbol of our own journey through Nature and Time. Each of our journeys is one of life and death. These vessels are its echo."~ Ann Morris
Bone Journey

Life Dugout ~ 2001

Crow Boat ~ 2002

Beak Shelter ~ 2003

Crab Claw ~ 2003

Ghost Boat ~ 2003

Pod Twist ~ 2003

Rib Canoe ~ 2003

Pod Drift ~ 2003

Heron Bowl ~2004

Back Boat ~ 2004

Raven Bowl ~ 2004

Heron Drift ~ 2004

Bonewood ~ 2005

Frog Bowl ~ 2005

Work Horse ~ 2005

Waters Meet ~ 2006

Grizzly ~ 2006